Thursday, October 31, 2019

Project management. What's that Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project management. What's that - Essay Example The management of project components and clustering them under one unit is very important (Haugan, 2011). Project management enables following the guidelines and use of the right kind of tool and technique for performing the project. It further allows integration of stages of a project that are namely planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling phase (Weihrich & Cannice,pg 4, 2010). Project management further keeps a check on the various constraints that must be taken into account. These constraints are in time completion of project, keeping the costs within the allotted budget, and finally monitoring the performance at different levels of project by individuals and workgroups. The project performed was aimed at providing relief to the commuters in the particular area which is being congested due to traffic .A solution is proposed in form of A3 Hind head project which will ease the traffic load and bring about relief. Out of the nine broadly defined areas of management, f our are needed to be taken into consideration which are as follows: ‘Managing the scope of the project in controlling the project through aims, goals and objectives of its sponsors. The first of nine elements is indispensible and must be taken into consideration. ... The aim should be clearly conveyed to all the stakeholders both inside the organization and outside in order to enable them working according to the requirements. ‘Managing time planning, scheduling and controlling the project to achieve the time objectives through recognized control methodologies.’ This is the second most important element of managerial approach. Effective planning in any stage of project has its direct effect on the project, planning gives a roadmap as to what to achieve and how to achieve it ,it is the table work for practical implementation, scheduling of activities enable synchronization of work and allows reduction of extra activities which might consume resources and do not contribute towards the productivity. A generalized objective of any project is the completion of project in time, the element of scheduling is one of the most important factors to be considered since delay can have severe negative repercussions on the project and its stakeholde rs. Scheduling enables achieving work break down structure (Harris, 2010). The controlling aspect is also implementable to different components of the project body. Controlling could be in form of the spending, the inventory, and the transportation costs. Methodologies always help in standardizing the working procedures. Projects that involve the public directly, can less afford delays and schedule stretches, Hind Head is a similar case where public contact is in direct question, therefore this is one of the four most important elements needed to be taken in to account. Project Integration Management – develop the project charter, scope statement, and Plan. Direct, manage, Monitor and control Project Change.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Essay In today modern world television is the most popular and recognized from of media and most homes in the western and developed worlds own one. That small (in some cases rather large) box sitting in your lounge is your connection to the outside world. It is an indispensable item and many of us cannot imagine life without it. As with everything there are advantages and disadvantages with the television. The main advantage is televisions ability to bring you news as it happens. A second advantage is the fact we are using more than one sense when viewing. The final advantage in this essay is the vast amount of information and documentaries available for viewing. However the first disadvantage is the amount of time spent watching television is often considered a waste of time. The second disadvantage is the fact that families may be in the same room but with the television on may not even acknowledge each other. The final disadvantage illustrated in this essay is that young children are often being exposed to sex scenes and scenes of violence. Read more: Television advantages and disadvantages essay Firstly, for many of us the television is our first or only source of news and current events. Most channels have news updates up to four times a day and current affairs programmes which take a deeper look at the news that has affected the world that day or week. Theses programmes are often family friendly and are sometimes the only form of media available or easy to understand for children or non-speakers of English. These news shows keep people up to date on the outside world it is possible to know everything that happened in a day without even going outside. However these news shows can try and monopolize peoples opinions and be a bias to one political party or one side of a war. Secondly, what many of us do not realise is that we use at least two senses to enjoy television. We use our eyes to watch the television screen and the visual on the screen. We also use our ears or hearing to listen to the dialogue and noises on the screen. Compared to other forms of media which usually involve only one sense e.g. the radio only requires the hearing sense and a book only requires sight. Even though the television lets us see and hear things it can cause eyesight problems and many people turn there televisions up which can cause hearing problems. The final advantage is the vast amount of educational programming available for viewing particularly on channels like the discovery channel and national geographic which can educate and stimulate people and wet every audience members appetite. It is also the fastest way to improve your knowledge and help you learn something completely new. Where else can you learn about Marylyn Monroe and Winston Churchill in the same afternoon? Many people who cannot afford university or night courses or simply just want a basic knowledge of one particular subject or event. Use documentaries to quench their thirst for learning. The first disadvantage is that many people do not realise how much time they spend watching television if you spend one hour a day watching television. That is 365 hours a year and 3607 hours in ten years. You can only imagine what you could do with that time, it is possible to learn a language or do a university course. Many value their television shows over exercise or physical activity which can lead to obesity and couch potato. Many people also feel the desire to watch a favourite television show every day or every week and neglect social commitments and therefore becoming anti-social. A second disadvantage is that many people neglect their families so they can watch television. A family may be in the same room but would not say a word to each other or acknowledge each other. Many families now also eat dinner in front of the television which means normal dinner table conversation is lost. Most large families also have multiple televisions so that each member can watch the programme they would like to watch this means that some families may spend less than an hour in each others company before going to bed. A final disadvantage of watching television is the violence and sex scenes that young children are often exposed too. Many of us find shows with crime or violence entertaining but these are not suitable for children of young ages. These scenes are practically common on crime dramas. Children may not intentionally be being exposed but by simply being in or near the same room as an older child or adult watching the programme. With children being exposed to these scenes it can corrupt there innocent minds leading them in some extreme cases become violent to other children. It can also lead to more permanent problems such as violence or evil thoughts well into adulthood. Fortunately this can be easily avoided or reversed by not allowing young children to view these programmes by placing them in a different room from the television or sending them to bed. In conclusion television is perhaps the worlds greatest invention though it is possible it will one day be replaced by something resembling a computer it is still indispensable devise that takes up our time to exercise or our family time it can also have scenes that corrupt young minds. As Winston Churchill once said the best things are either immoral or bad for you television is best in moderation. So next time youre bored dont turn on the television go out and play some sport. in todays modern world. Television however has advantages and disadvantages as illustrated in this essay. It can be an educational, multi-sensory communication

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Report Social Work Essay

The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Report Social Work Essay In his statement to the House of Commons when presenting Lord Lamings Inquiry Report into the death of Victoria Climbià ©, on 28 January 2003, the Secretary of State for Health, Alan Milburn, said: It is an all too familiar cry. In the past few decades there have been dozens of inquiries into awful cases of child abuse and neglect. Each has called on us to learn the lesson of what went wrong. Indeed, there is a remarkable consistency in both what went wrong and what is advocated to put it right. Lord Lamings Report goes further. It recognises that the search for a simple solution or a quick fix will not do. It is not just national standards, or proper training, or adequate resources, or local leadership, or new structures that are needed. I will give an overview of the inquiry. I will also give an overview of the themes, lack of accountability right through the organizations to the most senior level and staff not adequately trained in child protection. I will analyse and critique these themes in relation to agency policy, legal requirements, research, practitioner knowledge and the voice of the service user. Previous inquiries and there link to this inquiry will be discussed along with have we learned any lessons from this. The failure to implement a legal, ethical and political framework to inform current best practice will be utilized. I will reflect on the implications of evidence informed practice and how this will inform future social work practice. This paragraph will provide a summary of the events leading to the death of Victoria Climbie, and establish why there was a need for the inquiry. From the report (Lord Laming, 2003) we know that Victoria Climbie came to England with her great-aunt, Marie-Therese Kouao in April 1999. Within a year, she was dead. On 25th February 2000, Victoria died of hyperthermia at St Marys Hospital, Paddington. She was just eight years old and had 128 separate injuries to her body. On 12th January 2001, her great-aunt Kouao and her boyfriend, Carl Manning, were convicted of murder. The level of cruelty experienced by Victoria was truly horrific, with daily beatings using several different implements. Her final days were spent living and sleeping in an unheated bathroom in the middle of winter, where she was bound hand and foot, lying in her own urine and faeces in a bin bag in the bath. The secretary of State set up the independent statutory inquiry into her death, under the Chairmanship of Lord La ming, in April 2001, to establish under section 81 of the Children Act 89 the concerns with the functions of the local authority social services committees and the way they relate to children. The inquiry wanted to examine the way in which local authorities in respect of their social services functions and identify the services sought or required by, or in respect of Victoria, Marie-Therese and Carl. This section will now aim to analyse and critique the key theme I have identified that emerged from the inquiry report which is lack of accountability right through the organizations to the most senior level and staff not adequately trained in child protection. Lord Laming (2003) points out There were at least 12 key occasions when the relevant services had opportunities to successfully intervene to help Victoria, but had failed to do so. Within the Report Lord laming (2003) states That not one of these interventions would have required great skill or made heavy demands on staff, sometimes it needed nothing more than a manager doing their job by asking pertinent questions or taking the trouble to look in a case file. He continues to states Lord Laming (2003) There can be no excuse for such sloppy and unprofessional performance. As Lord Laming (2003) commented Not one of the agencies empowered by Parliament to protect children in positions such as Victorias emerged from the Inquiry wi th much credit, what happened to Victoria, and her ultimate death, resulted from an inexcusable gross failure of the system. Lord Lamings (2003) expressed His amazement that nobody in the agencies had the presence of mind to follow what are relatively straightforward procedures on how to respond to a child about whom there is concern of deliberate harm. The Inquiry Report (Lord Laming, 2003) highlighted widespread lack of accountability through the organisations as the principal reason for the lack of protection afforded to Victoria. Who should be held responsible for these failures? As Webb (2002) states: Lord Laming was clear that it is not the hapless and sometimes inexperienced front-line staff to whom he directs most criticism, but to those in positions of management, including hospital consultants, I think that the performance of people in leadership positions should be judged on how well services are delivered at the front door. Professor Nigel Parton (2003) points out that Too often in the Inquiry people justify their positions around bureaucratic activities rather than around outcomes for children. Frankly, I would be the very last person to say that good administration is not essential to good practice. Professor Nigel Parton (2003) continues to state that Good administration-and we did not see a lot of it, I have to say-i s a means to an end. I cannot imagine in any other walk of life if a senior manager was in charge of an organisation and that organisation was going down the pan-to put it crudely-in terms of sales and performance that someone would say My role is entirely strategic, do not hold me to account for what happens in the organisation. People who occupy senior positions have to stand or fall by what service is delivered at the front door. The Inquiry Report Lord Laming (2003) highlighted the apparent failure of those in senior positions to understand, or accept, that they were responsible for the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of local services. As Rustin (2010) states Lord Laming pointed to the yawning gap in the differing perceptions of the organisation held by front line staff and senior managers. Lord Laming was unequivocal that the failure was the fault of managers whose job it should have been to understand what was happening at their front door. As the Report Lord Laming (20 03) pointed out, some of those in the most senior positions used the defence no one ever told me to distance themselves from responsibility, and to argue that there was nothing they could have done. Rustin (2004) states this was not a view shared by Lord Laming. Rustin (2004) also continues to state that Lord Laming went even further in evidence to us, telling us forcefully that, in his view, accountability of managers was paramount, and that the front line staff were generally doing their utmost. In addition to the fundamental problems of a lack of accountability and managerial control, it was also apparent in the course of the Inquiry Lord Laming (2003) that other failings existed in all aspects of practice. This section will evaluate previous inquiries and how they link to this inquiry and have any lessons been learned from them. As Rustin (2004) states: As with many previous inquiries into child protection failures, Maria Colwell (1973), Jasmine Beckford (1984), Tyra Henry (1984 ) and Kimberley Carlile (1986) it was clear that the quality of information exchange was often poor, systems were crude and information failed to be passed between hospitals in close proximity to each other. As the Report commented Lord Laming (2003) Information systems that depend on the random passing of slips of paper have no place in modern services. The evidence from another report, Maria Colwell, who had died in January of 1973 pointed to similar weaknesses, which were found in Victorias report these weaknesses were, lack of accountability and staff not adequately trained (Corby et al, 2001). Inquiry reports are sources of evidence to inform social work practice and even though they have many weaknesses within them as illustrated. Professor Nigel Parton (2004) points out that In many respects public inquiries have proved to be the key vehicle through which changes in policy and practice have been brought about over the last thirty years in relation to child protection policy and practice in this country. Professor Nigel Parton (2004) continues to point out that Rather than public inquiries being ignored, they have been fundamental to the way child protection operates. In this respect, they are as much a part of the problem as they are the solution. Have lessons been learned from the many public inquiries over the previous thirty years. It was as if states Professor Nigel Parton (2004) The frontline professionals, and the key organisations and agencies who have responsibility for children and families were quite incapable of learning the lessons and, crucially, putting these into practice in such a way that such horrendous tragedies could be avoided. It is hoped by many, therefore, that the report by Lord Laming, and the changes brought about as a result, will mean that this will be the last report of its type. This section will address the other theme I have highlighted adequate training. The question of adequate training and supervision for staff working in all the relevant agencies were also an issue identified in the Inquiry. Professor Nigel Parton (2004) points out that In Haringey, for example, it was observed that the provision of supervision may have looked good on paper but in practice it was woefully inadequate for many of the front line staff. Professor Nigel Barton (2004) also points out that nowhere was this more evident than in the fact that in the final weeks of Victorias life a social worker called several times at the flat where she had been living. There was no reply to her knocks and the social worker assumed, quite wrongly, that Victoria and Kouao had moved away, and took no further action. As the Laming Report (Lord Laming, 2003) commented, It was entirely possible that at the time Victoria was in fact lying just a few yards away, in the prison of the bath, desperately hoping someone might find her and come to her rescue before her life ebbed away. This section will now look at the failure to implement the legal and political framework within the inquiry report. Lord Laming within the report (Lord Laming 2003) told us that he continued to believe that the Children Act 1989 was basically sound legislation. His recommendations do not argue for a major new legislative framework. However, Lord Laming (2003) states he did not believe that the Act was being implemented in the way that had been envisaged for it, and, in his view, there was a yawning gap at the present time between the aspirations and expectations of Parliament and the certainty of what is delivered at the front door. Rustin (2004) states In the absence of adequate managerial accountability, front line workers were obliged to make crucial strategic decisions, for example about the use of the Children Act, and between using sections 17 and 47 (relating respectively to a child in need, and a child in need of protection). The sections of the Act had been developed with th e intention of as pointed out by Rustin (2004) Of recognising the different needs of children. How the sections were being applied on the ground however as stated by Lord Laming (2003) is Quite different, far from employing the section of the Act that would best meet the needs of the particular child and their circumstances, what they were actually doing was using these sections to restrict access to services and to limit the availability of services to people. The Children Act, Lord Laming (2003) argued to us Should be about promoting the well-being of children, not about putting labels around peoples neck. Lord Laming (2003) went on to suggest that Front line workers were being forced into making decisions that should properly have rested with management and policy decisions. This raised major questions about the role of public services and the basic principles that should underpin them, as (Lord Laming 2003) stated We need to stand back and say that we need to discover the basic principle that the public services are there to serve the public, not just some of the public and not just some people who can get through eligibility criteria, or who are sufficiently persistent. Therefore services must be more accessible and they must be more in tune with their local communities. If, as Lord Laming believes Kirton (2009, p.17) states The Victoria Climbià © case was not unique, but highlighted widespread and major deficiencies in the implementation of the Children Act, this raises issues that Government should address. I believe that the Children Act 1989 remains essentially sound legislation. However, there is concern as pointed out by Professor Nigel Parton (2004) That the provisions of the Act which sought to ensure an appropriate response to the differing needs of children are being applied inappropriately, used as a means of rationing access to services, and have led to section 17 cases being regarded as having low priority. The Laming Inquiry (Lord Laming 20 03) recommended that consideration should be given to unifying the Working Together guidance and the National Assessment Framework guidance into a single document, setting out clearly how the sections of the Act should be applied, and giving clear direction on action to be taken under sections 17 and 47. Within this section I will discuss the ethical framework. It is important to include the issues of social class and gender, which were not evident in the Victoria Climbià © inquiry. However, it is issues around ethnicity and race that are more evident. However, the diversity referred to is incredibly complex. This is illustrated at various points states Webb (2002) For example: At the time Victorias case was handled in Brent, all the duty social workers had received their training abroad and were on temporary contracts. (In Brent) at least 50 per cent of social workers time was spent working on cases of unaccompanied minors. As Webb (2002) states There was evidence that Haringey has one of the most diverse populations in the country, with 160 different languages spoken locally, a long tradition of travellers settling in the borough and a high proportion of asylum-seeking families (9 percent of the total population). Within the report Lord Laming (2003) points out that In relation to all the London boroughs involved there were high levels of poverty and deprivation, diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic backgrounds, as well as the diverse backgrounds of the workers themselves. In many respects, it seems Victorias situation was not unique in these respective boroughs. Webb (2002) indicated The impact of increased global mobility, more specifically the rapid increase in asylum-seeking families, together with the diverse backgrounds of the workers themselves increasingly seems to characterise work in many metropolitan areas. This has a particular impact states Webb (2002) On the nature, stability and cohesion of local communities. It is worth noting that, compared to the Maria Colwell case, no referrals are noted in the Victoria Climbià © case from neighbours or other members of the community apart from the child minder Mrs Cameron. We are not simply talking about diversity here but incredible compl exity. Kirton (2009) argues that Not only does it pose major linguistic challenges but also it poses major challenges for statutory departments in relation to the familial and cultural identities of those with whom they work and to whom they have responsibility. Issues around racism are clearly important here, however they cannot be reduced to a simple black and white community and cultural divide. This section will reflect on the implications of evidence-informed practice (EIP) and the usefulness of the inquiry to inform the development of future social work practice. Often, in hindsight, those who put people at risk are blamed for the misfortune and harm they cause. (Kirton, 2009) This is arguably the most signi ¬Ã‚ cant professional context in which EIP has emerged. According to Munro (1998) Social workers rely on vague assessments and predictions, rather than considering what is more or less probable. In everyday life decisions have to be made on a limited evidence base and professional decisions are also at best problematic. There are numerous unexpected and complex outcomes in social work, many of which rest on having to make judgments under conditions of uncertainty. (Kirton, 2009) The main problems associated with making effective decisions in social work as stated by Kirton (2009) include: risk and uncertainty, intangibles, long-term implications, interdisciplinary input and the politics of different vested interests pooled decision making and value judgments. Decision analysis has developed as a statistical technique to help overcome these kinds of problems. Decision analysis is closely related to risk assessment and actuarial practices. Evidence-informed practice and policy are self-explanatory. They involve the adoption of evidence-based protocols and use local standards for conducting social work practice and developing organizationally speci ¬Ã‚ c policies. (Webb, 2002) It has been suggested that evidence-informed protocols feed directly into the practitioner context to provide guidelines for carrying out EIP. Essentially evidence-informed practice and policy in social work will entail the explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the social care of service users. This de ¬Ã‚ nition is widely used and derived from Sackett et al.s Evidence-based Medicine (1996). A pragmatic approach as stated by Sa ckett (1996) Has been adopted here, which regards the practice of evidence as integrating practitioner expertise with the best available external evidence from systematic but multiple research methods. The implementation model outlined is the idea that the practice-based process begins with the evidence rather than the individual or groups of clients. Clearly the application of evidence-informed practice and policies will be governed by the economic scope of social work agencies in terms of resources and the development of an evidence-informed infrastructure. (Kirton, 2009) Sackett (1996) points out that At a local level it will also be dependent on incremental learning and accumulative professional development which are likely to be facilitated by the practice research networks and evidence-based brie ¬Ã‚ ngs discussed above. In this essay I have analysed and critiqued two key themes from the inquiry, lack of accountability right through the organizations to the most senior level and staff not, adequately trained in child protection. I have also analysed and critique these themes in relation to agency policy, legal requirements, research, practitioner knowledge and the voice of the service user. I have linked previous inquiries and discussed have we learned any lessons from these inquiries. I identified the failure to implement a legal, ethical and political framework to inform current best practice will. I also reflected on the implications of evidence informed practice and how this will inform future social work practice. A closing quote to finish from the Secretary of State, Alan Milburn (2003) It has felt as if Victoria has attended every step of this inquiry, and it has been my good fortune to have had the assistance of colleagues whose abilities have been matched by their commitment to the task of doing justice to Victorias memory and her enduring spirit, and to creating something positive from her suffering and ultimate death.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Friendship is the best thing among humans, but sometimes it can be used in a wrong way that could betray someone. In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, friendship is not what it appears to be. It is easy to manipulate friendship with trickery. Cassius, Brutus, and all the other conspirators knew that they could use this to their benefit. The conspirators used friendship to blind Caesar from what was real happening. It was not friendship that was the cause of Caesar demise, but it was dishonesty. Also they used flattery along with other manipulation to get rid of any thoughts of distrust that Caesar may have had about their honesty. These are the ways one to gain someone’s trust. Friendship can be a wonderful part of life, but if it is not true friendship in which people are open and honest with each other, then it can turn into a very bad thing, sometimes even death. This friendship would soon be lost into disloyalty with Caesar’s assassination. Even though Caesar murdered by Brutus and Cassius, friendship still was a strong subject because it hided conspirator’s real pu...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In-class Internet Use and Grades Essay

The use of internet in a classroom has provided only a few visible advantages to the students: search immediate answers to questions asked by the instructor, and familiarity with the use of technology, which may be used by them in the later stages of their professional career. However, an in-class internet use has several adverse consequences, including, distraction to oneself, neighboring students as well as the instructor, and abuse of internet technology when the students watch porn, or indulge in chatting, whereas their attention should be on the valuable focused content being taught by an experienced professor. Based on the findings from University of Colorado in Boulder, Fischman (2009) reported that a professor was instrumental in reducing the use of laptops in her classroom when she proved to the students that their grades were lower when they used the laptops in the classroom, while the grades were much higher when they stopped using the laptops in the classroom. Fischman highlighted that the internet connectivity of classrooms was a major problem all over the country since the students distract others by watching movies in the classroom. As a result, several universities had banned the use of laptops in the classrooms, while some had declared laptop-free zones. Anderson (2006) summarized the shocking results of a survey conducted by Michigan State University, which revealed that 20% of students using excessive internet, had either withdrawn from a course, or had shown lower grades; in comparison to only 8. 5% students with alcohol abuse problems, who had shown poor academic performance. Timmer (2009) claimed that in-class internet use spoils discipline in a leaning environment since the students from US Military Academy at West Point were distracted when they indulged in internet chatting. Thus, it can be concluded that in-class internet use is more of a bane than a boon for the inquisitive students as well as the experienced instructors. References Anderson, N. (September 20, 2006). Internet replaces Jack Daniel’s as â€Å"Best excuse for a C Average. † Ars Technica. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://digg. com/d12unJ Fischman, J. (March 16, 2009). Students stop surfing after being shown how in-class laptop use lowers test scores. Wired Campus. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://chronicle. com/wiredcampus/article/3662/when-shown-how-in-class-laptop-use-lowers-test-scores-students-stop-surfing Timmer, J. (March 16, 2009). In-class laptop use sparks backlash, possibly lower grades. Ars Technica. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://arstechnica. com/science/news/2009/03/in-class-laptop-use-may-be-sparking-a-backlash. ars

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Acting Through the Ages Essay Essays

Acting Through the Ages Essay Essays Acting Through the Ages Essay Paper Acting Through the Ages Essay Paper The art of playing has evolved in many ways over its life-time and continues to germinate to this twenty-four hours. Acting foremost originated in Greece in the sixth century BC with the Grecian tragic histrion Thespis being widely regarded as the laminitis of the profession. This is why. to this twenty-four hours. histrions are frequently referred to as actors. Aristotle. the Grecian philosopher. defined moving as ‘the right direction of the voice to show assorted emotions ‘ and declared it to be a natural endowment that was unconditioned and could non be taught. There are a few antediluvian Greek dramas by Aeschylus. Euripides and Sophocles that survived all moving history and are still performed in the theaters. During the Christian regulation of Rome. moving began to worsen as an art and liturgical play began to be performed throughout the Middle Ages. The tradition was kept alive by jugglers. acrobats and mummers who entertained crowds at town carnivals and the gesture and modulation of histrions began to be mastered through spiritual play performed in church. Acting history so takes an tremendous leap to the sixteenth century. where modern professional playing began to emerge through Italian comedy. William Shakespeare is possibly the most adept of this peculiar manner of dramatist – and surely the best known. Many professional histrions during the Restoration period were famed for their natural endowment and manner but it was non until the eighteenth century that moving was considered a serious profession instead than an inexpert chase. In the mid-18th century. Charles Macklin and his student David Garrick began to present a new. realistic. manner of moving and new motions began to take topographic point across Europe. As moving history evolves. the old. declamatory. manner of moving did non decease out wholly until the beginning of the twentieth century with many popular histrions of this clip looking excessively melodramatic to many modern audiences. With the altering times. gustatory sensations and civilizations came a move off from the declamatory and intense moving manners of past ( with criterions set by the Meiningen Players in 1874 ) and the outgrowth of a new. realistic manner of moving whereby the histrion strives for absolute psychological designation with the character he is playing – the Stanislavski method introduced by Russian manager Konstantin Stanislavski. This method was adopted by the Group Theatre and subsequently by Lee Strasberg bring forthing a coevals of gifted realistic histrions such as Marlon Brando. The debut of gesture image and telecasting amusement began to offer a wealth of chances and associated stardom to draw a bead oning histrions and actresses and began to alter the art of moving forever. In the early twentieth century. the Academy Awards were launched and the profession of moving eventually began to be decently recognised as an admirable and reliable professional chase.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Roe vs Wade Ruling

Roe vs Wade Ruling This refers to the 1973 controversial case where the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional all state laws that prevented women from procuring an abortion. In many states, abortion was considered the killing of the unborn hence it was unconstitutional.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Roe vs Wade Ruling the Result of the Supreme Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The states regulated abortion since they only allowed it when the life of the mother was in danger. The Dallas court ruled that women had to be allowed to procure an abortion at any stage. The court observed that a woman would conduct an abortion at the first trimester, as well as the second, but it outlawed abortion at the third trimester. However, the decision of the court was that abortion could still be conducted at the third trimester provided the health of the mother was in danger. The ruling of the court was controversial since it divided the nat ion into two factions, with one side supporting the decision while another faction was opposed to the decision. The culture wars that are currently experienced in the country are the result of the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade ruling. The states restricted abortion mainly because women had no right to make decisions on reproduction. The decision came at the time when feminism was taking root in the country. Some of the feminist law scholars claimed that the constitutional rights of Roe had been violated since the Texas law could not allow her to procure an abortion, yet she was uncomfortable with it. Roe observed that she could not tour a different state since she was pregnant. In this regard, she had to be permitted to end the pregnancy in a safer setting. The District Attorney, Wade, was mentioned as the correspondent. The jury established that the Texas law had violated the rights of the complainant, Roe. The state attorney was not satisfied with the decision of the Dallas Court a nd he decided to appeal to the Supreme Court to review the case once more. The Supreme Court conducted an assessment on the decision of the Dallas court in 1971 and 1972. The Supreme Court gave a decision that upheld the previous ruling, claiming that the Texas law had violated the constitutional rights of Roe. It was established that her right to privacy had been compromised hence she had to be allowed to procure an abortion. The Supreme Court invoked the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments in issuing the ruling. In the constitution, the above amendments suggest that issues related to marriage, the use of contraception, ant the upbringing of children are private. In this regard, the court upheld that women have the right to decide whether to keep the pregnancy or terminate it.Advertising Looking for essay on administrative law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ruling of the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wad e is still under review among societal members since some individuals believe that life is sacred and should be preserved under all conditions. Some are of the view that abortion should only be procured at some stages, but once a fetus is five months old, it should not be disturbed unless the life of the mother is in danger. Some conservatives suggest that abortion should not be allowed to go on in society since it amounts to murder. In this regard, it should be illegalized and all those found doing it should be prosecuted. On the other hand, liberals argue that abortion should be legalized and the government should offer free abortion to all women since it is their constitutional right.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Library Card

In the story, â€Å"The library Card,† Richard Wright took one step closer to achieving the American dream. However, in order to fully understand how he did so, one must first understand exactly what the American Dream is. I asked a few of my closest friends what their best definition of the American Dream was. They all came up with fairly similar answers to this question. The American Dream is having a good job, good family, and just pretty much well off. It is being wealthy and the best at what you do. It is being knowledgeable. The books that Richard Wright tried so desperately to attain helped him to get a better handle on the American dream. If Richard Wright had never read those books, chances are, he would never have made the effort to pick up his life and move it along. Upon reading Mencken and other great authors, he found out more about why white people acted the way that they had. He had a better grasp on why they treated him the way that they had. Wright then became more knowledgeable. In order to attain the American dream, you must have knowledge because knowledge is power. The books that Wright read introduced new obstacles in his life. The major one that he had to overcome was the fact that he knew what people thought of him, yet he was still unable to say anything about it. He had to live his life the exact same way and it killed him inside. He longed to say something to the white men, but knew better. Sometimes, silence kills. In this case, it was a huge obstacle that Richard Wright may never have overcome.... Free Essays on Library Card Free Essays on Library Card In the story, â€Å"The library Card,† Richard Wright took one step closer to achieving the American dream. However, in order to fully understand how he did so, one must first understand exactly what the American Dream is. I asked a few of my closest friends what their best definition of the American Dream was. They all came up with fairly similar answers to this question. The American Dream is having a good job, good family, and just pretty much well off. It is being wealthy and the best at what you do. It is being knowledgeable. The books that Richard Wright tried so desperately to attain helped him to get a better handle on the American dream. If Richard Wright had never read those books, chances are, he would never have made the effort to pick up his life and move it along. Upon reading Mencken and other great authors, he found out more about why white people acted the way that they had. He had a better grasp on why they treated him the way that they had. Wright then became more knowledgeable. In order to attain the American dream, you must have knowledge because knowledge is power. The books that Wright read introduced new obstacles in his life. The major one that he had to overcome was the fact that he knew what people thought of him, yet he was still unable to say anything about it. He had to live his life the exact same way and it killed him inside. He longed to say something to the white men, but knew better. Sometimes, silence kills. In this case, it was a huge obstacle that Richard Wright may never have overcome....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hooked on Credit Cards, Watson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hooked on Credit Cards, Watson - Essay Example e was evaluated in terms of requiring strict adherence to grammatical rules that include using formal sentence structures, observing consistency in use of pronouns, and proper citations. Using these comments, Watson improved his arguments by incorporating noted information and revising, as required. One has had several opportunities to write different essays as required from various academic courses. As such, one has also had the chance to improve initial drafts through the use of peers’ feedback, as well as that of the instructor. The revision process is an effective step that helps one in becoming a more focused communicator through addressing the comments noted as seen from another person’s perspectives. With the basic theoretical knowledge gained on effective creative writing techniques, the writer is not expected to comply with all the essential elements and ingredients in one sitting. As such, constructive criticisms that aim to enhance the literary work are taken as effective means for improvement. As emphasized in Fountainhead Press (2009), â€Å"when you embark on revising, you focus your attention on the global characteristics or larger issues of writing—content, organization, and style† (p. 7). As such, the noted weaknesses should appropri ately be addressed and any errors on conformity to content, organization, and writing style must be corrected to ensure that one achieves the goals in writing and likewise, the training could extend addressing needed improvements as applicable to life. Fountainhead Press. (2009). The Writing Process:Drafting, Revising, and Editing. Retrieved August 19, 2012, from

Friday, October 18, 2019

TUI AG's Restructuring and Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

TUI AG's Restructuring and Expansion - Essay Example Product-market diversification refers to the strategy where the company simultaneously seeks to expand both into new products and new markets. New product expansion is manifested through activities such as the opening of the â€Å"World of TUI Travel Mall† in Berlin whereas new market expansion is characterized by the acquisitions and joint ventures done throughout the organizations growth. Vertical integration strategy involves TUI AG seeking to gain control of both inputs and outputs within the tourism industry’s supply chain. TUI does this through owning and operating companies in both the tourism destinations and source markets as well as the distribution channels, hotels and airlines (Sigala, 2008). Horizontal integration refers to when the company combines with competitors operating in the same industry and doing the same things for example in 1998 HTU took a minority stake in First Reiseburo Management GmbH & Co. KG., a competitor in Germany (Sigala, 2008). T UI’s operations enable its business strategies to be successful through a number of ways. Firstly, through operations the company is able to set and control quality levels uniformly across its integrated tourism supply chain. ... 2-What benefits does TUI AG achieve through its integrated tourism supply chain? Are there any disadvantages to this? The three major benefits to TUI AG of having an integrated tourism supply chain are: increased guarantee of product quality, better protection of proprietary technologies and processes, and lower transaction costs. By controlling both its inputs and outputs, TUI AG has a greater ability than a non-integrated tourism company to implement standard quality control systems as well as share best practices across all its products. Further, the organization can integrate operations across its supply chain to create a seamless experience for its customers. With regards to better protection of proprietary technologies and/or processes, TUI could have developed a more effective way of, say, minimizing the time it takes a customer to move from holiday planning to actually going for the holiday. If the company were to use an external service provider it may have to share some of its knowledge to make the experience seamless. On the other hand, by having all service providers within its supply chain, the company can keep the process secret or as a competitive advantage for a much longer period. Lower transaction costs are achieved in two ways. To begin with, TUI could standardize infrastructure and procedures across all its subsidiary companies which would make transactions cheaper and less time consuming across the supply chain. Secondly, by having an integrated supply chain TUI is guaranteed of retaining maximum value from the customers thus the margins set across the value chain are lower. This implies that the subsidiary companies across the value chain face lower costs than those faced by

Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial Essay

Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial banks during the recession - Essay Example The study tells that the recent financial crisis began in 2008 – although signs of the crisis could be identified in 2007; since then, the crisis has being expanded in all countries worldwide causing severe losses to businesses of all industrial sectors. In its primary form, the crisis was related with the banking sector in US; in fact, the subprime products that were promoted by the US banks were proved to be more risky than initially estimated; as a result, US banks were highly exposed to the recession. Many banks in US collapsed – as a consequence of the crisis; however, there were also those banks that managed to limit the losses and protect effectively their equity/ capital. This study will help to understand the effects of recession on the financial performance of US commercial banks using the figures included in these organizations’ financial statements. In other words, it will be an evidence – based study not just a critical analysis of the behavio r of these firms since the beginning of the crisis. On the other hand, the level of resistance of US banks – as identified through this study – would be valuable in order to estimate the expected development of the US banking industry both in the short and the long term – the prospects for the development of US firms that operate in other industrial sectors could be also estimated using similar criteria. The study also identifies the framework of successful strategic decisions – referring to the banking industry – a fact that could further lead to the increase of this sector’s credibility.

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy Essay

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision.   It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision.   Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her.This paper outlines that  wisdom is a different concept than counsel and advice.   It is not even the trait of the character, but rather the ability to make right decision based on the previous experience and the ability to reason, to consider different alternatives and to make the best decisions.   From Biblical perspective, wisdom comes with the acceptance of the Godly lifestyle and belief into God, while from the general perspective the person is regarded as wise if all of his decisions are logically and ethically right.   The concept of wisdom is introduced in the Bible from the first book:   â€Å"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.   She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it†.  Wisdom is also the ability to be tolerant to others, the ability to listen to people and to accept their point of view, even if it is very different from the own. Being wise is not about knowing answers to all questions but rather about hearing others, analyzing the situations and finding the most appropriate solution, as the above verse supposes.  ... In this verse, the "counsel" has a different meaning - it indicates the way of life unbelievers have. Advice Advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision. It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision. Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her (Butler 2003). "Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people's representative before God and bring their disputes to him" (Ex 18:19, Kohlenberger 2001). In this verse the advice is the recommendation but very specific one - the person is recommended to make the specific choice (to become the people's representative) and assume the specific responsibility (to bring the disputes of people to God). "Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give us your advice. What should we do" (2 Sa 16:20, Kohlenberger 2001). Advice in this verse is self-explained: Absalom asks Ahithophel "what shall we do" - he is asking for the direction in life, the alternative course of act ion. Advice is asked for when someone is aware that some choice has to be done, but he is not able to decide which one is better. "When Hushai came to him, Absalom said, "Ahithophel has given this advice. Should we do what he says If not, give us your opinion" (2 Sa 17:6, Kohlenberger 2001). The meaning of advice in this verse is an alternative, possible course of action. It can be either accepted or rejected by the one who receives it. Bible leaves the right to make decision to the individual, who is the only one to decide what is better for him

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Individual project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual project - Research Paper Example Differences also affect the reach to social resources, decision making, and performance potential due to lack of opportunities for a particular group. Power and authority also gets the impact from diversity issues in the workplace resulting in gaps in rewards that affect the outcomes. Human resource management plays a strategic role in the success of a firm. There are a number of issues and situations that a human resource handles in day-to-day functions. Other than maintaining the ethical standards and concepts, a human resource manager is responsible to manage workplace diversity in the organization for the strategic benefit of the firm. Challenges of workplace diversity can be met by motivating workforce via gain-sharing and executive information system via planning, organizing, and managing the human resources. Dimensions of workplace diversity relate but are not limited to age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, religious beliefs, parental status, and work experience (Dr. Chan, 2010). In the book, Beyond Race and Gender, R. Roosevelt Thomas defines managing diversity as "a comprehensive managerial process for developing an environment that works for all employees" (Lindenberger & Stolz-Loike, 2010). Workforce diversity impacts organizational outcomes. According to DiTomaso et al. (2007), interest in the concept of workforce diversity was a way to identify the sudden changes in social set up that impacted the organizations widely. Although these changes in society were not abrupt but the cultural and demographic diversity impacted the workplace environment greatly. The structural dealing among groups affects the results in the short and long term. The concept has been discussed much with regard to dissemination of service in the workgroups or organizations although sufficient research has

Film Critique on the Movie Takers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Film Critique on the Movie Takers - Essay Example Takers is a film released in August 27, 2010, which details crime life today (Takers, 2010). It is directed by John Luessenhop and is adopted from a story and screenplay written by Luessenhop, Gabriel Casseus, Peter Allen, John Rogers, and Avery Duff (Dudley, 1984). The film is a narrative that follows up a gang of bank robbers who carry out spectacular robberies. One of their former crew member forces them into an elaborate heist, but the inside ring members contact is far from being trustworthy. In their grilled occupation, they have one job to accomplish, which seems to be more rewarding than any other. However, this turns out to be a death trap when they are pulled into this last mission by their recently paroled cohort T. I, but unfortunately they are encountered by a hardened detective (matt Dillon) and his counterpart Jay Hernandez (Matt, 2010). The detective wont rest until he gets the thieves and brings them to justice, and through out the film, his preparation brings a mix of good and bad as the viewer remains with blurred opinion on the two sides. Tanker is a film whose plot is linear, starting at a point where there is one member who is not with them. The member is Ghost (T.I), who was arrested and jailed in a previous robbery five years ago. Ghost is released, and he plots for a mission on their behalf. He persuades his gang members to undertake this mission, which is a $20 million dollar project, but they are intercepted by detectives (Scott, 2010). The mission fails, and the gang is defeated with Ghost being the last member to be gunned by detectives Welles and Gordon. As the movie ends, we are left to wonder whether Gordon or Welles survives the injuries they sustained in the gun ensue. There are many conflicts in this movie starting with the first created when Jesse meets with the rest of the crew at a hotel where they discuss the shooting of Detective Hatcher. During this meeting, Russian gangsters storm the meeting and try to shoot everyone p resents apart from Ghost. This is a conflict between characters where it turns out that ghost had decided to double cross his friends and cut a deal with the gangsters to kill the whole crew for the exchange of $10 million dollars (Scott, 2010). The formerly cold, but well calculated conflict between Ghost and his friends includes the Russian gangster and Ghost’s colleagues. This creates a conflict, but it is resolved when Jake kills the Russian. The second conflict is created when Jake and Jesse go home, and find that jakes girlfriend Lilly had been murdered and immediately they realize that police surrounded them. This is the last conflict where Ghost is out to double cross them and escape with the stolen money, and they embark on two missions: to rescue their money from their lead gangster Ghost and to escape the police attacks (Matt, 2010). This being the last hour and the highest point in the film, the police detectives are well prepared to resolve every other conflict b y terminating the gang ring and they succeeded. The main conflict is resolved when all members of the gang are killed and the detectives get hold of the stolen money. The two detectives in the film are symbolic of the forces of justice, which inhere in a society where crime is rife. The fact that they are only two out of the whole police force in the country symbolizes the mighty power of justice and good against big evil. Secondly, there is some ironic twists in the story when Ghost, the leader of the gang turns out

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy Essay

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision.   It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision.   Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her.This paper outlines that  wisdom is a different concept than counsel and advice.   It is not even the trait of the character, but rather the ability to make right decision based on the previous experience and the ability to reason, to consider different alternatives and to make the best decisions.   From Biblical perspective, wisdom comes with the acceptance of the Godly lifestyle and belief into God, while from the general perspective the person is regarded as wise if all of his decisions are logically and ethically right.   The concept of wisdom is introduced in the Bible from the first book:   â€Å"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.   She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it†.  Wisdom is also the ability to be tolerant to others, the ability to listen to people and to accept their point of view, even if it is very different from the own. Being wise is not about knowing answers to all questions but rather about hearing others, analyzing the situations and finding the most appropriate solution, as the above verse supposes.  ... In this verse, the "counsel" has a different meaning - it indicates the way of life unbelievers have. Advice Advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision. It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision. Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her (Butler 2003). "Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people's representative before God and bring their disputes to him" (Ex 18:19, Kohlenberger 2001). In this verse the advice is the recommendation but very specific one - the person is recommended to make the specific choice (to become the people's representative) and assume the specific responsibility (to bring the disputes of people to God). "Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give us your advice. What should we do" (2 Sa 16:20, Kohlenberger 2001). Advice in this verse is self-explained: Absalom asks Ahithophel "what shall we do" - he is asking for the direction in life, the alternative course of act ion. Advice is asked for when someone is aware that some choice has to be done, but he is not able to decide which one is better. "When Hushai came to him, Absalom said, "Ahithophel has given this advice. Should we do what he says If not, give us your opinion" (2 Sa 17:6, Kohlenberger 2001). The meaning of advice in this verse is an alternative, possible course of action. It can be either accepted or rejected by the one who receives it. Bible leaves the right to make decision to the individual, who is the only one to decide what is better for him

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Film Critique on the Movie Takers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Film Critique on the Movie Takers - Essay Example Takers is a film released in August 27, 2010, which details crime life today (Takers, 2010). It is directed by John Luessenhop and is adopted from a story and screenplay written by Luessenhop, Gabriel Casseus, Peter Allen, John Rogers, and Avery Duff (Dudley, 1984). The film is a narrative that follows up a gang of bank robbers who carry out spectacular robberies. One of their former crew member forces them into an elaborate heist, but the inside ring members contact is far from being trustworthy. In their grilled occupation, they have one job to accomplish, which seems to be more rewarding than any other. However, this turns out to be a death trap when they are pulled into this last mission by their recently paroled cohort T. I, but unfortunately they are encountered by a hardened detective (matt Dillon) and his counterpart Jay Hernandez (Matt, 2010). The detective wont rest until he gets the thieves and brings them to justice, and through out the film, his preparation brings a mix of good and bad as the viewer remains with blurred opinion on the two sides. Tanker is a film whose plot is linear, starting at a point where there is one member who is not with them. The member is Ghost (T.I), who was arrested and jailed in a previous robbery five years ago. Ghost is released, and he plots for a mission on their behalf. He persuades his gang members to undertake this mission, which is a $20 million dollar project, but they are intercepted by detectives (Scott, 2010). The mission fails, and the gang is defeated with Ghost being the last member to be gunned by detectives Welles and Gordon. As the movie ends, we are left to wonder whether Gordon or Welles survives the injuries they sustained in the gun ensue. There are many conflicts in this movie starting with the first created when Jesse meets with the rest of the crew at a hotel where they discuss the shooting of Detective Hatcher. During this meeting, Russian gangsters storm the meeting and try to shoot everyone p resents apart from Ghost. This is a conflict between characters where it turns out that ghost had decided to double cross his friends and cut a deal with the gangsters to kill the whole crew for the exchange of $10 million dollars (Scott, 2010). The formerly cold, but well calculated conflict between Ghost and his friends includes the Russian gangster and Ghost’s colleagues. This creates a conflict, but it is resolved when Jake kills the Russian. The second conflict is created when Jake and Jesse go home, and find that jakes girlfriend Lilly had been murdered and immediately they realize that police surrounded them. This is the last conflict where Ghost is out to double cross them and escape with the stolen money, and they embark on two missions: to rescue their money from their lead gangster Ghost and to escape the police attacks (Matt, 2010). This being the last hour and the highest point in the film, the police detectives are well prepared to resolve every other conflict b y terminating the gang ring and they succeeded. The main conflict is resolved when all members of the gang are killed and the detectives get hold of the stolen money. The two detectives in the film are symbolic of the forces of justice, which inhere in a society where crime is rife. The fact that they are only two out of the whole police force in the country symbolizes the mighty power of justice and good against big evil. Secondly, there is some ironic twists in the story when Ghost, the leader of the gang turns out

The War of 1812 Essay Example for Free

The War of 1812 Essay The War of 1812 was an important event in American history because from the end of the war forward the United States was respected internationally as a nation. In essence, the United States would gain nothing from the War of 1812 after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, but what the United States would end the Native American threat on its westernmost borders, but also a new sense of nationalism would emerge. While the causes and effects are diverse in nature, the War of 1812 made a lasting impact on American history as being the event that taught the fledgling nation what it meant to be independent, and teaching it to be prepared militarily. One of the key elements that helped in the growing development of the United States military was the realization that the military was unprepared for the War of 1812. The United States was a new country and their military was not as prepared for a war. The primary soldiers were state militias who were untrained and not ready to see battle but as a new nation that hadnt had the time to create a strong military system, the United States had to use them if they were going to be able to fight the war. If the United States had had a better plan for the international situations that arose surrounding a nation the war may never have had to be fought. Communication was a problem as well as there were instances where it became sorely obvious how unprepared they were for this sort of situation. For example, by the time the United States entered into a declaration of war, the British had already rescinded the Order in Council. Also, when the war was ended two years later the bloodiest battle of the war would take place two weeks later because communication of the wars end did not reach the far south of the United States. The nation was unprepared to fight a war and unprepared to communicate during a war (The War of 1812). The War of 1812 had many effects on the United States. The war, which had begun as an issue involving maritime trade lines, became something even more close to home as the war turned against the Native Americans in the northern areas of the United States. The War Hawks, in fact, would get more than they could have hoped for with their victory on their own shores. This war also brought about a new sense of nationalism in the United States, a country fighting to prove its place in a world of established nations. The War of 1812 changed the face of American history for decades to come. Without this war there would have never been the type of American pride that is still felt by the average American today. The war also taught the United States a few things about their foreign policy and how to deal with international issues, and showed them how important it was to be militarily prepared for anything. The Native Americans of the northern part of the country were conquered and, while there was still bad feelings between the US and Great Britain it was nothing like it had been before.This war changed the landscape of the United States as well as its politics, making an impact that was felt for centuries. Works Cited Mintz, S. , comp. War of 1812. 2003. Digital History. 17 Mar. 2007 http://www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/historyonline/us10. cfm. Nelson, Rebecca, ed. The Handy History Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink, 1999. 99-101. The War of 1812. 2007. Wisconsin Historical Society. 17 Mar. 2007 http://www. wisconsinhistory. org/turningpoints/tp-010/.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Can Opinion Polls be Trusted?

Can Opinion Polls be Trusted? Opinion poll is a type of survey or inquiry designed to measure the publics views regarding a topic or series of topics (Nielsen, 2007). The First poll was initiated in 1824 and straw polling was the first method used. (Hillygus, 2011) There are different types of opinion polling, few of them are Straw polls, Benchmark polls, Bushfire polls, Tracking polls, Entrance polls, Exit polls and Push polls. These polls are used as strategies to predict the voting of a campaign for a presidential election or how people feel about an issue in the country or issues of the globe (Davison, 2016). Straw poll in simple terms is an informal opinion survey. Benchmark poll is conducted at the very beginning of a campaign before the voters decision, it is done to estimate how well the candidate is doing at the beginning of a campaign. Tracking poll is a method where the opinions are taken with short intervals and the average is taken of the polls. Bushfire poll is taken in-between benchmark poll and tracking polls. The number of bushfire polls depend on the how competitive a side is and how much money is spent on that campaign. Entrance poll and exit polls are taken the day of the election. The opinion taken before the person give th eir vote is entrance poll and the opinion taken after the vote is exit poll. Push poll is a way of influencing a person by giving false information for an issue. It is done by showing that a poll is being conducted. Large number of people are contacted and no effort is made to collect data. Push poll is generally viewed as negative method of polling and is banned in the United States. (Boundless 2016). For this report the journals, newspaper articles and research papers were collected via internet. Data have been gathered from journals, research papers, new paper articles and websites which relates to this topic. To ensure that the information collected is accurate for a journal and research papers, make sure they are taken from a reputed web page, where they are published , is it from a university press or by a professional society. Research about the author, see if the author is from a university or another institute and if the journal is cited with other sources it can give further credibility. Data from new paper articles and websites are tricky because there can be so many scams in the web, therefore when using their information, you need to research if there is an author or a publisher, the date the article was released, is it from a reputed website which has an ending of .edu, .gov, or an article written by a university. Finding other source that can cross check the validity of the information makes it more reliable. Most of the data collected are quantitative data. The writers prove their information by providing statistical evidence. The reason for this is opinion polls mainly involves numbers to estimate their results. Opinion polls helps to know the populations view point towards an issue without having conduct campaigns or elections. Furthermore, Opinion Polls have played an important role in predicting elections. One of them is the election of 2010 in United Kingdom. 10 poll results were shown and 9 of them all showed the same scenario, representing that Conservatives party were clearly in the lead.(Nardelli, 2015) However, In the recent years some of the polls have not being able to accomplish their goals. One of them is the UK election 2015 (Cole, 2015) and the other The EU referendum where the votes of United Kingdom leaving European union was 48% while United Kingdom staying was 52% (Edwards, 2016) (Barnes, 2016). Opinion polls have not only failed United Kingdom but also the United States. The polls of Presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Polls from Yougov and Fox News have stated that Hillary Clinton was a 3-4% in lead of Donald Trump. (Skibba, 2016) The reason for the unsuccessful polls can be explained by how the data is collected and other factors that affect the result. Opinion polls are collected by conducting surveys. The common ways are telephone calls, face to face interviews or mail (Roper Center. (2015). The surveys are conducted in random samples which would help to make an prediction and understanding of the opinion of the wide population as a representative. Poll groups mostly use a sample size of thousand .The result survey that consist the sample of thousand or twenty thousand should be similar if the sample is representative.(Macreadie, 2011). The samples taken will have a margin of error. For sample size of thousand it would be +/- 3% and for two thousand its +/-2%. The smaller the sample, less accurate and a greater margin error. (Wells, 2011). Although lately poll groups seemed to have difficulties in performing surveys accurately. Specially telephone polls, which the most common and cost effective method. The reason behind this is the number of people using landlines has decrease greatly with the increase in technology which has led to using mobile phones. In 2013, 41% of US houses had mobile phones than cell phones. This was an issue to the polling groups because 1991 Telephone Consumer protection Act means that autodialling cell phones is against the law. Therefore to conduct mobile phone surveys, they have to manually dial the numbers, which makes the process expensive and time consuming. (Chalabi, 2016). Furthermore, Pew Research have estimated that the response rates in telephone survey in 1997 was 36% and have decreased greatly to 9% in 2012 (Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 2017). Figure 1 (URL 1)   Ã‚   This is not the only aspect that makes the polls less reliable, the increasing in population from years makes also issue because the percentage of the total population completing a survey will decrease. Another problem is the last-minute change in decisions of the voters, this was a great impact on the UK Elections 2015. In February 19 % of the voters had not decides their bid and about 30 % of the voters announced that they might be persuaded to change their mind. (Healy, 2017) In addition most voters that was interviewed in the random samples could have been supporters of one political party, therefore the polls of one party could have shown to be greater. As mentioned above opinion polls have played an important role in predicting elections, however with the results of the recent elections have failed to trust it. The decrease of the respond rates, difficulty of conducting telephone surveys with mobile phones being used and the increase in population, are issue that poll groups face. Furthermore, these issues keep increasing which makes the polls less reliable. References Boundless (2016). Boundless Political Science.[online] Available at: [Accessed 11 January 2017] Chalabi, M. (2016). Dont trust the polls: the systemic issues that make voter surveys unreliable. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Cole, N. (2015). Why Did The Opinion Polls Get It So Wrong in 2015? | Conversion Uplift. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Davison, W. (2016). public opinion Political polls. [online] Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan. 2017]. Edwards, J. (2016). Pollsters now know why they were wrong about Brexit. [online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Hillygus, D. (2011). The Evolution of Election Polling in the United States. Public Opinion Quarterly, 75(5), pp.962-981. Healy, D. (2017). The 2015 UK Elections: Why 100% of the Polls Were Wrong. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Macreadie, R. (2011). Public Opinion Polls. 1st ed. [ebook] Research Gate. Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Mail Online. (2016). Polling failures changed outcome of 2015 general election. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Nardelli, A. (2015). Election 2015: can we trust the polls?. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Oxford Dictionaries | English. (2017). opinion poll definition of opinion poll in English | Oxford Dictionaries. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2017]. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. (2017). Assessing the Representativeness of Public Opinion Surveys. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. Roper Center. (2015). Polling Fundamentals Sampling Roper Center. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2017]. Skibba, R. (2016). Pollsters struggle to explain failures of US presidential forecasts. [online] Nature. Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2017]. Trochim, W. (2006). Types of Surveys. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2017]. Wells, A. (2011). YouGov | Understanding margin of error. [online] YouGov: What the world thinks. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2017]. Hillygus, D. (2011). The Evolution of Election Polling in the United States. Public Opinion Quarterly, 75(5), pp.962-965. URL1: opinion-surveys/5-15-12-1/ [Accessed January 14 2017] Dyson Company Analysis: Industry and Culture Dyson Company Analysis: Industry and Culture Dyson, a name that has become synonymous with vacuum cleaners, is a brand that demonstrates how apt management and marketing techniques can transform a brilliant engineering idea into a bright success. Today, Dyson machines enjoy the privilege of being placed in places like Londons Victoria and Albert Museum, Museum of Modern Art (New York), Design Museum (Zurich), the Powerhouse Museum (Sydney) and the Georges  Pompidou Centre (Paris).  Continuous innovation at Dyson has made wonders possible in durable appliances industry and won many accolades for the founder and leader, James Dyson and his team including the Japan Industrial Designers Association Award, The Queens Award for Enterprise, Americas Greenspec Award and the Industrial Design Prize of America. (WEBSITE) Pioneering the ball technology in vacuum industry, Dyson had to face imitators, complex legal procedures and huge costs on the road to success but eventually that paid off. (BBC) Another controversy that Dy son faced was relocation of its production to Malaysia and Singapore in 2002 and thus laying off employees in United Kingdom. However, it is held by the company that the cost saving was utilized in research and did not go in vain. Today Dyson products are sold in 45 countries of Europe, Middle East, Australia and United States. With 2008 sales revenue of  £184m, and operating profit of  £90 million which further reached record high of  £190 million in 2009, Dyson Ltd. is undoubtedly a winning company so far in United Kingdom. With 350 engineers and scientists placed in Wiltshire research and development laboratory, the company embarks on an ambitious plan of never ending innovation in household appliances. Culture Dysons remarkable success can be attributed to the corporate culture that flows directly from the founders personality: problem solving through creativity and innovation, research orientation, no complacence when it comes to product features and quality and an unremitting spirit of evolution and revolution. Dysons ability to combine aesthetics with technology is reflected in his successful endeavors like Wrong Garden that was not green and water flowing uphill, displayed in Chelsea Flower Show in 2003. The consistency in personality and the open culture embedded in the very fabric of organization where mistakes are not punished, rather valued because of a potential to be turned into success have made James Dyson a visionary and highly respected entrepreneur in business community worldwide. Company Analysis: 7 Ps: Products: Dyson Ltd. today offers a wide range of appliances: vacuum cleaners that are all about innovation, hand dryers that are quick, energy efficient and certified hygienic by NSF International, and the technologically miraculous, safe and easy to clean fan without blades and grills that does not produce unpleasant sounds. Below we map out the marketing mix of Dyson for vacuum cleaners. Core product: vacuum cleaner Actual product: A comprehensive and interesting list of features added to the core product makes Dyson vacuum cleaners stand out in the industry. Use of Root cyclone and ball technology for high maneuverability leads to high performance on all floor types, certified Asthma friendly by British Allergy Foundation makes the vacuum cleaner usable by Asthma and allergy patients, lifetime HEPA filter and bag less technology means no extra costs over the life of machine. Further product enrichment is made through special accessories to be attached with vacuum cleaners including allergy kit, groom tool, mattress tool, up top tool, stubborn dirt brush etc. Augmented product: Dyson vacuum cleaners not only provide value addition in terms of exciting features, but also provide customer with 5 years guarantee of parts and labor on upright and cylinder vacuum cleaners and 2 years guarantee on handheld vacuum cleaners. Customer service is available 7 days a week, where as full range of spares and accessories for vacuums comes with 12 months guarantee. An online expert service is a new feature that helps customers discusses their issues with Dyson experts with a few clicks. Moreover, the interesting and highly practical positioning of customer care number on the machine rather than on user manuals corroborates companys high customer orientation. Price: Pricing strategy of Dyson vacuum cleaners can be categorized as product line pricing because different machines in the extensive product with unique features are priced differently. Generally, Dyson vacuum cleaners are highly priced in the range of  £ 99  £ 340. Placement: Dyson machines can be shopped online from online merchants sites like Amazon and ebay, its own transaction site, specialty electrical retailers and supermarkets (Add data) Promotion: Besides having the maximum Advertisement budget in the vacuum cleaner industry and using the traditional medium of Television as a medium (in 2009, 92 percent of ad spend was on TV) (Mintel), Dyson uses following promotional techniques to attract customers Discount deals, online coupon codes, free shipping offers, some are particularly for first-time users. Christmas coupons Trade and sales promotion Promotion through collaboration with ISSSEY MIYAKE, in which set for the ISSEY MIYAKE fashion show was designed by James and the collection of ISSEY MIYAKE had a vacuum tinge a wand handle became a sleeve, a cyclone assembly became a skirt. Later, a special handheld vacuum was developed to celebrate the collaboration. People: At Dyson, hiring of creative staff with a passion towards engineering and problem solving serves as the basis of a team that is all about customer orientation. The customer care team is placed near the development arena, and all machines are lined up so that when customers call to interact with Dyson employees about the problems they are facing, the staff understands what they say. Mostly this approach works but if needed, Dyson engineers do not hesitate to visit the customer to fix their machines. SHOWs Processes: At DYSON, all activities are perfectly aligned to live up to the Dyson formula. From Drawing of machine design, to rigorous testing and dropping at premises, to testing by employees at home, competitions of employees to give them a chance to invent, all have the same spirit of problem solving through continuous innovation and perfection. Strategy and not just operational effectiveness A company can outperform rivals if it can establish a difference it can preserve. The difference between operational effectiveness and strategy can best be seen in the case of Dyson. Since its birth, the company has successfully managed to innovate relentlessly in an industry which was previously characterized with discounting. (_____) Dyson perfectly fits in the definition of strategy doing activities differently than competitors. (_____) As for generic strategy framework, Dyson follows the strategy of Product Differentiation. Origin of strategic position can be categorized as needs based as Dyson vacuum cleaners are for a large group of customers with different needs and Dyson handles them all well by introducing add-ons to the core product. BCG Matrix BCG Matrix gives a two-dimensional view of different products in portfolio and what strategies can be implemented to maximize profitability and liquidity. Dysons high share in upright and cylinder vacuum cleaners but low growth in these products in the recent years shows they are cash cows. Whereas low share in handheld and high growth means handheld vacuum cleaners are question marks for Dyson Ltd. increasing market share in handheld through innovation and exciting features will transform it into a Star product. Dysons Flexibility and Focus Dysons strategy comes under perennial renaissance as Dyson focus on consistent, enduring and constant change with creativity and new ideas. ANS-OFF Matrix The ANS-OFF Matrix suggests that Dyson has decided its product strategy and market growth through: Market development by entering into new markets (45 countries and are still expanding) with existing products. Product development by introducing new features to the existing products into existing markets. Industry Analysis: Porter 5 Forces Analysis: Bargaining power of buyers: It will be low as Dysons innovative technology provides something that none of the competitor provides so the customers would not be having any product to compare the Dyson products with. This will result in the low bargaining power of buyers. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have low bargaining power as Dyson is the industry leader and is selling the maximum number of units so they have all rights to impose power on its suppliers. Rivalry of competitors: Rivalry of competitors is not severe as the closest competitor in cylinder and upright vacuum cleaners is Vax, which is far behind Dyson. Operating system focus: Dyson has ranked the operating system focus in the following manner:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hemp :: essays research papers

Hemp PREAMBLE As we enter a new millennium, we find ourselves reevaluating the paths we've chosen and the decisions we've made. Have we made the best with what we've got or are we stumbling in the dark? How many gaps riddle the blanket of our knowledge? The problem lies in how we make sense of where we're heading. Do we choose the path of economics and progress or do we choose the path of environmentalism and sustainability? Is there a median available for us to take where the greens of economy and environment are balanced or are we doomed to blindly continue the path of short-term gain and comfort . . . living out a flawed paradigm? Canada is a prime example of a country that is continually weighing its power and influence on the natural and manmade worlds. We've found ourselves sitting on the global fence between our magliomaniacal brother to the south and our staunch traditionalist motherland to the east. From this division of powers and alliances we find ourselves locked into a self-induced ignorance and stifling conservatism. It's ironic that we have the opportunity to solve most of Canada's critical environmental issues in one fell swoop . . . with one simple plant. It is ignorance and the maintenance of the status quo that has blinded and crippled our ability to realize this resource. INTRODUCTION A plant exists that is so strong that it can be grown without requiring chemicals in almost every part of the world. Many have touted this plant as a possible way in which to wean society from its dependence on fossil fuels for energy and the need to log forests for pulp, paper and wood. It is even said that this plant could adequately clothe and feed the world more efficiently and cheaply than we can do now! Why is this miracle plant not used if all evidence points to its versatility? The answer is bogged down in a century of law, sociology, the corporate agenda and conspiracy theories. Since the early part of the century, hemp has been considered a drug, though it has no euphoric attributes. Hemp: the wonder plant and possible solution to the bulk of our problems is illegal only because it is seen as guilty by it's association with marijuana. Hemp is a herbaceous plant called "cannabis sativa", which means `useful (sativa) hemp (cannabis)'. Fiber is the best known product, and the word `hemp' can also mean the rope or twine which is made from the plant, as well as just the stalk of the plant which produced it. History has proven its acceptance of hemp: both the U.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Blood Alcohol Level (bal) Essay -- essays research papers

Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) MONITORING The amount of alcohol in your blood stream is referred to as Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). It is recorded in milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, or milligrams percent. For example, a BAL of .10 means that 1/10 of 1 percent (or 1/1000) of your total blood content is alcohol. When you drink alcohol it goes directly from the stomach into the blood stream. This is why you typically feel the effects of alcohol quite quickly, especially if you haven't eaten for a while. BAL depends on: 1. Amount of blood (which will increase with weight) and 2. The amount of alcohol you consume over time (the faster you drink, the higher your BAL, as the liver can only handle about a drink per hour--the rest builds up in your blood stream). Understanding the effects of a rising BAL can be very useful in controlling drinking. Below are the consequences of various Blood Alcohol Levels,from a book by William R. Miller and Ricardo F. Munoz called, "How to Control your Drinkling: A Practical Guide to Responsible Drinking (1982): .02 MELLOW FEELING. SLIGHT BODY WARMTH. LESS INHIBITED. .05 NOTICEABLE RELAXATION. LESS ALERT. LESS SELF-FOCUSED. COORDINATION IMPAIRMENT BEGINS. .08 DRUNK DRIVING LIMIT. DEFINITE IMPAIRMENT IN COORDINATION AND JUDGMENT. .10 NOISY. POSSIBLE EMBARRASSING BEHAVIOR. MOOD SWINGS. REDUCTION IN REACTION TIME. .15 IMPAIRED BALANCE AND MOVEMENT. CLEARLY DRUNK. .30 M...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Economic Globalization: an Unstoppable Force Essay

Economic globalization has been occurring since the Hellenistic Age (323 BC) but it is since the industrial revolution, particularly from the mid 1800s, that trade between countries has had a notable increase. Today, however, there appears to be a parabolic rise due to the advent of information technology which enables the transmission of shared knowledge, foreign ownership, and business transactions to be performed with exponential speed between businesses, citizens, denizens, and governments. Not only is mass globalization inevitable but it is already occurring with the increased use of new computer and telecommunications tools, and the sharing of knowledge between organized groups and regular citizens who now have instant ‘access’ to each other worldwide. There are several indicators as to why information technology and society’s thirst for information will increase economic globalization. 1. It is because of information technology and how society uses them that businesses themselves are beginning to find success by moving away from a proprietary culture to an open-source or mass collaboration system. This is a major shift from the closed-door policies and hierarchical systems that ensured their livelihood in the pre: social media era where information was kept secret. Business models that open them to new ideas shared by an online knowledge base can often offer them access to a larger share in the global market. Society has been changing the way business is done by demanding transparency and inclusion in the process and by providing greater payoffs for the business as a result. An example is the company Goldcorp (TSE:G). Don Tapscott (author of Macro Wikinomics) writes that Goldcorp, an obscure small-cap company in trouble with debt and unable to spend developing a new mining site, did the unimaginable in the mining industry. It disclosed its new digging location on its website and then invited ideas as to where would be the ideal place to dig within the large property. †The ‘Goldcorp Challenge’ made $575,000 in prize money available. There were entries from graduate students, management consultants, mathematicians, military officers, and a virtual army of geologists. More than 1,000 virtual prospectors from 50 countries got busy†. source: 1 â€Å"More than 80 percent of ideas yielded substantial quantities of gold. This catapulted [an] underperforming $100 million company into a $9 billion juggernaut†. source: 1 Not only did online mass collaboration help them reduce expensive exploration costs but it would have given the small-cap company visibility to a worldwide global investor base. 2. Developing countries are now major world players on the stage of economic globalization, and it is possible they may succeed developed countries in future in terms of world trade. In order for developed nations to be competitive they will need to understand, utilize, and know how to collaborate using the knowledge available to them through information technology and society. CNBC journalist Albert Bozzo has written an article on developing countries and their impact. â€Å"Emerging markets now account for about 40% of world trade, almost double what they did in 1995, according to the IMF, and more and more are entering the world stage. † Source: 2 3. The stats speak for themselves. International trade figures provide a look at the growth of economic globalization from a time when information technology first took hold (about 1980) up until 2007. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) economic globalization has grown substantially. â€Å"Between 1980 and 2007, the ratio of goods and services trade to global GDP has risen from about 42 to 62 percent† Source: 3 Foreign ownership by individual and institutional investors clearly shows the impact that an information society has had on individuals who seek knowledge outside their country. It is a clear indicator that economic globalization is on the rise. â€Å"Foreign direct investment has risen from some six to 32 percent [between 1980 – 2007]†. Source: 3 An argument against globalization is the global financial meltdown that began with the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008 that became a contagion to all financial institutions and countries that had dealings with these institutions. It has rippled down to protests throughout Europe. And this leads me to the 2nd question of whether social capital will increase or decrease given our society of sharing information. ‘SOCIAL CAPITAL’ WILL ONLY INCREASE If mass economic globalization is likely to continue then ‘social capital’ will certainly rise in our ‘information society’ as a result of the surge in numbers of large groups of people who can effectively use the internet to ‘gather’ together to protest, strategically rally, and disseminate information to the world. An advantage to IT is the speed within which ‘the message’ can be carried. These large group of gatherers can affect and may very well define a corporation’s or government’s future ethical policies because their voices makes corporations transparent whether they want to be or not. This is especially true in South America, the Middle East, north Africa, and North America where there is a high proportion of young unemployed people. In North America the echo boomers (1982-1995) are even larger (representing 33 percent of the population) than the baby boomers. Source 4 Collectively they will become the digital generation where their voices will be heard on mass, on-line, and immediately. According to Don Tapscott employment has been a key issue for youth. â€Å"In the UK young people aged 16 to 24 account for about 40% of all unemployed. In Spain more than 40% of young people are unemployed. We said that if they worked hard, stayed out of trouble, and attended school, they would have a prosperous and fulfilling life. And then we rub salt in the wound by saying we’re in a â€Å"jobless recovery†.† Source 5 A high proportion of unemployed youth are well educated and when you consider that they can be heard simultaneously via portable devices and computers using cloud platforms like facebook, youtube, twitter, and blogs you get a glimpse as to the impact they will have on how business may be conducted in the future and how employment for their generation will likely change. In Egypt and Tunisia the lack of employment for young people was a key issue as was the corruption of their governments, and it was transmitted by them using information technology. This is only the beginning of change to the world’s social capital as globalization increases.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Characteristics of Humanism Essay

Humanism is a term applied to the social philosophy and literary culture of the Western world during the Renaissance movements that spread across Europe. Washington State University, WSU, quoted on the internet: â€Å"Of all the practices of Renaissance Europe, nothing is used to distinguish the Renaissance from the Middle Ages more than humanism as both a program and a philosophy†. The Renaissance in Europe began in Italy, and with it the origin of humanism. The movement began as a response to the troubling times Italy had been facing in the years prior to the beginning of humanism. During the Fourteenth century, Italy had become overpopulated, which resulted in famine and the Black Death. A deterioration for trading with China was another issue that we had to take in account.. Humanism was the intellectual movement responding to this crisis. They began to look at things that had been ignored in the Italian society, and brought ideas to the public eye that revolutionized philosophy and literature. Ancient Renaissance Philosophers say that â€Å"Renaissance humanism was considered a ‘rediscovery’ of the ancient classical learning of Greece and Rome.† The Renaissance is characterized by its emphasis on humanism, an emphasis that would have a tremendous impact upon the subsequent history of Western civilization. Humanist studies placed us into a different world and changed the face of our lifestyle. Influential factors for Humanism were literature, art as well as music. It embraced concepts such as the supernatural as a created psychological human myth. People that where influential to the Humanism period, constructed this framework by coupling science with human reason to create an appropriate method for creating an interpretation of ultimate reality. Humanists generally denied the existence of anything outside of nature. They rejected many supernatural beliefs; however, disbelief in the supernatural is not a necessity for humanistic beliefs (Cunningham 287). Humanists believed science is based on nature, and humans learn from it. I will go into detail of the nature and beauty of Renaissance art that emphasizes on Humanism art within the work.. â€Å"The School of Athens ( 5.77 m * 8.14 m ) was painted by the 27 year old Raphael (Raffaelo) Sanzio (or Santi) for Pope Julius II (1503-1513)†(Michael  Lahanas). We do not know all details of the people who are depicted. Giorgio Vasari, who is an Italian painter and architect, suggested that nearly all Greek philosophers and ancient scientists can be found on this painting. Beyond one of the most important people on this painting is Plato, Aristotle and Michelangelo. The painting frames in the most important part by setting up the focal point in the middle of the painting. â€Å"Raphael’s School of Athens reflects a high degree of sensitivity to ordered space, a complete ease with Classical thought, obvious inspiration from the Roman architectural past, a brilliant sense of color and form, and a love for intellectual clarity-characteristics that could sum up the Renaissance ideal† (Cunningham 299). It does not only show characteristics of the Renaissance, but also characteristics of Humanism, for example it’s artistic creation on the walls, as well as the well planned building. Another thing that is associated with humanism is the social behavior of the people. The Night figure was created by Michelangelo and it suppose to create the illusion of the figure either sleeping or being awake at the same point of time. Almost all of the female’s bodies that Michelangelo creates, have a masculine body structure as well as fake looking breasts. These two analytical founding are another proof of Humanism. The Article about the best Artists said: â€Å"He goes farther away from nature in these Medici figures than in any of his others and requires greater acquiescence from his viewers. Many are not willing to let him lift them so high off the ground. ‘She may be beautiful but she’s not a woman.’ † People guessed that Michelangelo was gay, but it was never proofen as a fact. The last artwork that I am going to describe is The Last Supper by Tintoretto. The Author of auction and sold mentioned that: â€Å"All the outstanding qualities of Tintoretto appear in this strikingly original and complex design. It is characteristic in using intensified streaks of light along limbs and garment-folds, to emphasize the direction of movement, and thus heighten the effect of dramatic action.† In this painting you can see many characteristics of humanism that are shown by the people socializing, enjoying themselves and having seemingly unlimited amounts of food. In the bottom right of the painting, you have people who prepare the food and wash  the dishes. This is another characteristic for humanism. We can also see angel like figures in the picture, that move towards the human that has the bright light around his head. This person should represent Jesus, and I believe that those angel or ghost looking creatures are the souls of his friends. Our society is still influenced in the artists, and architects from the Renaissance time period. Humanistic ideas have proved to be of great educational value in the formation of civilized and responsible societies, and they are still alive in many intellectual beliefs today. Work Cited Cunningham, Lawrence S. Culture & Values. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Boston: Wadsworth, 06. â€Å"Humanism.† Washington State University – Pullman, Washington. 04 July 2009 . â€Å"Night by Michelangelo  «.† The Best Artists. 03 July 2009 . â€Å"Raphael’s School of Athens (1/2).† Hellenica, Information about Greece and Cyprus, Michael Lahanas. 06 July 2009 . â€Å"Tintoretto – The Last Supper.† Old And Sold Antiques Auction. 07 July 2009 .